Tag: New York Mets

I was blinded by the feelings in my heart

Kyle Snyder at Spring Training 2007. Photo taken by Kelly O’Connor/sittingstill.net Used with permission. When Bronson Arroyo was traded back in 2006, I made the decision to start following the Cincinnati Reds as closely as possible. Not just Bronson’s games,…

Old Friends

I’ve been fond of Matt Clement ever since he was with the Red Sox.  I never liked the backlash he got because he was hurt, and I never believed he was a “head case”.  I felt woefully alone in my…


I try not to pimp the blogs of others.  Mostly because I don’t like being told what to do, so I’m not inclined to tell OTHERS what to do.  I keep a blogroll and if you see something that strikes…