* While I think it’s ridiculous that Ozzie Guillen can get suspended for tweeting from the park once he gets tossed from a game, I think it’s even more ridiculous that we are now at 6 Major League Baseball players…
Tag: Ozzie Guillen
The hate never really goes away…
The strangest thing happened last night. I was watching the Sox with my dad (I try to watch as many games as I can with him and my mother…they’re a lot of fun to watch the games with; it’s almost…
Every day…
…Ozzie Guillen gives me another reason to want to kick him in the gibleys. On Michael Bowden: “He got us on a bad day,” said Guillen. “He’s OK. He didn’t really impress me. He beat a team right now that…
I Seem to be in a Mood to Rant
So I’m on redsox.com looking over the roster and am reminded of things that need to be said before the seasons “really” begins. * It’s Buchholz. B-U-C-H-H-O-L-Z. For cryin’ out loud, sports writers have been spelling Mientkiewicz correctly for years…