I started with a couple of tweets just before the game began last night, and as it began I had to go offline for a while. Come around the fourth inning and I decide to go online when I realized…
Tag: Philadelphia Phillies
I hate having to wait for a game the day after a loss
If Papi had hit that grand slam last night I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to speak today. But he didn’t. And the Sox lost 5-1 in their first interleague game of the season and I’m, oddly, not really…
This entry is all over the place
(Feeling a little bit rambly today!) So a week ago who would have thought two of our starting pitchers would go into the ninth inning? This week we had two of them do it and Lester got himself a complete…
Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night…
Maybe the Blue Jays are just cranky about their own front office selling them out and giving the Phillies three home games in June that should have been theirs? Before I gloat about last night’s game, honestly, could they have…