So today is the day! Â The day when pitchers and catchers are expected to report to Fort Myers (which, loosely translated, means they have to let the team know they’re in town since they don’t get down to business, really,…
Tag: Photos
Snowy Thursday
Truck Day will be upon us in two week’s time. Because of this fact, I should be more inspired to write about baseball but listening to the plows go by my house and watching the snow pile up in feet…
Got arrested for inciting a peaceful riot
You know what makes me weary? People taking credit, even if it’s in a passive way (that is to say they don’t directly take the credit but they don’t ever GIVE the credit to the person deserving of it) for…
It’s funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word
Three straight days of too much fun coupled with a cold to beat the band has left me wiped. So, for now, let me wish everyone a happy Memorial Day and offer my thanks to the men and women who…