Tag: Pitchers

The earth fell fast asleep

Yesterday was a good day.  It started, for me, with an unscheduled trip into Boston to take the Fenway Park tour first thing in the morning.  “Wally” had mentioned on Twitter that, for a couple of days, the morning tours…

Headachey Gabber

So very warm. I spend late nights and early mornings reading baseball news to find things to blog about. Once I finish my rounds, if I have time, I Google various players to see what folks are writing about them.…

Pitching, baby!

Daisuke last night? Phenomenal. Papelbon? Filthy. Five hours of sleep? Totally worth it. If you’re missing Curt Schilling, Rob Bradford has a great Q&A with him that probably has the CHB’s hairs falling out.   And Ian Browne tells us my…